
Authored Comments

@traceyanne, There is another aspect too in the supportability arena. Microsoft is clearly a for profit organization. Back in the day I would frequently go to Belleview to Microsoft University for training on whatever. It was far from free. There is very little one can't learn with a little bit of time, patience, and a good browser and access to freenode. My biggest mindblock is iptables and dnsmasq but that is something the avg user would never need to even know exists.

While I can not debate your personal experience. I can tell you your assessment on testing is not necessarily accurate. Yes, apps like Microsoft Office, at this point, are pretty well shaken out, except for the new stuff that is pretty much broken. In the case of Office, 80% of the users use 20% of the product. That 20% is the same stuff that was in the last 20 versions. For the F/OSS the people working on it WANT to work on it. To them is IS a labor of love. Commercial software is often, if not always, shipped as 'it is good enough'. Remember, there is a profit motive there, as they want to make you buy the next version of it.