Chad Whitacre

362 points
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I'm the founder of Gratipay, an open organization with a mission to cultivate an economy of gratitude, generosity, and love. We help companies and others pay for open source—and we're funded on our own platform. Offline, I live outside Pittsburgh, PA, USA, and online, I live on Slack, IRC, and GitHub.

Authored Comments

So would you say that democracy is a fundamental characteristic of open organizations? I ask because I believe Jim in his book says something along the lines of "We're not a democracy" as well. Certainly the open source tradition recognizes "benevolent dictatorship" as a valid governance model. Do open organizations inherent that tendency? With Gratipay we've gone around the block several times on this question[1]. We're dialing in on a cooperative structure, which strongly commits us to workplace democracy, though we're also talking about the place of democracy in operations and management. Democracy is slow!


Yes, some companies successfully harvest value from the open source ecosystem, add their own value (support, legal assurances, etc.), and sell their value-add at a profit. As Stephen Walli pointed out at #ATO2016, this is not really an "open source business model," it's a proprietary business model that uses open source for raw material.

What if there *were* a truly open source business model? What if we could teach companies how to pay money for open source software *itself*?