Chad Whitacre

362 points
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I'm the founder of Gratipay, an open organization with a mission to cultivate an economy of gratitude, generosity, and love. We help companies and others pay for open source—and we're funded on our own platform. Offline, I live outside Pittsburgh, PA, USA, and online, I live on Slack, IRC, and GitHub.

Authored Comments

Thanks for the kind words, Frederic!

Thanks also for the invitation to post on the RO wiki! Unfortunately, I'm having some trouble creating an account over there. I am unable to load the Are You a Human PlayThru™ on the sign-up form:…

I see the instruction at the top, "Please contact the site owner to report the problem," but I don't find a link for an email address or anything like that. Under "Settings > Help" I find an empty page:

Similarly when I follow the "About" and "How to contribute" links:……

What's the best way to "contact the site owner"? :-)

Thanks, Tammy! We've had some really neat situations with Gratipay where people who would otherwise fall through the cracks are able to find a community that contributes to a sense of purpose in their life. I'm excited to connect with the community here, and to be part of the open organization conversation!