Last year, I brought you 19 days of new (to you) productivity tools for 2019. This year, I'm taking a different approach: building an environment that will allow you to be more productive in the new year, using tools you may or may not already be using.
Manage symlinks with Stow
Yesterday, I explained how I keep my files in sync across multiple machines with Syncthing. But that's only one of the tools I use to keep my configurations consistent. The other is a seemingly simple tool called Stow.

Stow manages symlinks. By default, it makes symlinks from the directory it is in to the directory below it. There are also options to set a source and target directory, but I don't usually use them.
As I mentioned in the Syncthing article, I use Syncthing to keep a directory called myconfigs consistent across all of my machines. The myconfigs directory has several subdirectories underneath it. Each subdirectory contains the configuration files for one of the applications I use regularly.

On each machine, I change to the myconfigs directory and run stow -S <directory name> to symlink the files inside the directory to my home directory. For example, under the vim directory, I have my .vimrc and .vim directories. On each machine, I run stow -S vim to create the symlinks ~/.vimrc and ~/.vim. When I make a change to my Vim configuration on one machine, it applies to ALL of my machines.
Sometimes, though, I need something machine-specific, which is why I have directories like msmtp-personal and msmtp-elastic (my employer). Since my msmtp SMTP client needs to know what email server to relay through, and each one has different setups and credentials, I can use Stow to swap between the two by "unstowing" one with the -D flag and then putting the other in place.

Sometimes I find myself adding files to a configuration. For that, there is the "restow" option with -R. For example, I like to use a specific font when I use Vim as a graphical application and not a console. The .gvimrc file lets me set options that apply only to the graphical version, in addition to the standard .vimrc file. When I first set this up, I moved ~/.gvimrc to ~/myconfigs/vim and then ran stow -R vim, which unlinks and relinks everything in that directory.
Stow lets me switch between several configurations with a simple command line and, in combination with Syncthing, I can be sure that I have the setup I like for the tools I use ready to go, no matter where I am or where I make changes.
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