Kevin Sonney is a technology professional, media producer, and podcaster.
A Linux Sysadmin and Open Source advocate, Kevin has over 25 years in the IT industry, with over 15 years in Open Source. He currently works as an SRE at elastic.
Kevin hosts the weekly Productivity Alchemy Podcast. He and his wife, author and illustrator Ursula Vernon, co-host the weekly podcast Kevin and Ursula Eat Cheap (NSFW) and routinely attend sci-fi and comic conventions. Kevin also voiced Rev. Mord on The Hidden Almanac.
Kevin and Ursula live in Pittsboro, NC with a variety of dogs, cats, and chickens.
Authored Comments
i3wm is my go-to for a daily driver
Scott has the right of it. Since my wife has contracts with two of the "Big 5" publishing houses, LaTeX isn't an option - they don't support it. They ONLY support Microsoft Word. Many of us WISH they supported other formats (see the linked article by Charlie Stross), because that would make life much, much easier on everyone.