Create a highly available distributed database with Apache ShardingSphere Follow this example of ShardingSphere's high availability and dynamic read/write splitting as the basis for your own configurations.
Audit your sharding database algorithm This demonstration of ShardingSphere 5.2.0 elaborates on the implementation logic for auditing data sharding with specific SQL examples.
Build your own SaaS on Linux with Vely Vely makes it possible to leverage the power of C in your web applications.
Groovy vs Java: Connecting a PostgreSQL database with JDBC This example demonstrates how Groovy streamlines the clunkiness of Java.
5 new improvements in Apache ShardingSphere ShardingSphere supports multiple databases, and each improvement in the 5.2.0 release takes more work off your hands.
Drop your database for PostgreSQL Postgres is one of the most flexible databases available, and it's open source.