Open source solutions are improving how students learn—and how instructors teach—in communities around the world. Read the fascinating and inspiring stories we've collected about how open source is influencing education at all levels.
Over the last five years, e-learning platforms have gained popularity and notoriety for alleviating some of the strain caused by our education problems. Namely, for helping…
The popularity of our Education channel on continued to soar in 2013, with our education-related content consistently drawing outstanding page views on the site…
For a recap on this year in open education, it's impossible to ignore the role of gaming, including massively multiplayer open online role-playing games (MMORGs or MMOs). MMOs…
Bringing together people with high-energy and motivation to create startups that have the potential to make a positive impact on society is a great endeavour. It takes vision…
I never realized how much I rely on open source and public libraries until I started homeschooling last year. When I started to write for, my son was in school…
A little less than a year ago, I was asked to direct OpenHatch's Open Source Comes to Campus event series. This event is a workshop designed to introduce college students to…