Brandon J. Van Every

Authored Comments

Baloney. It's Red State rhetoric.

"Hostess has been sold at least three times since the 1980s, racking up debt and shedding profitable assets along the way with each successive merger. The company filed for bankruptcy in 2004, and again in 2011. Little thought was given to the line of products, which, frankly, began to seem a bit dated in the age of the gourmet cupcake. (100 calorie Twinkie Bites? When was the last time you entered Magnolia Bakery and asked about the calorie count?)"

Yes open source people often make the category error that all businesses are "software." They think the end of life of a business is comparable to a software startup going under. Dead code will never be used for anything else, so they give it away. That isn't all businesses.

The Free Software Foundation is strongly biased towards the business model of "services." What if some smart guy comes along and tells the FSF that people should just give their service / consulting time away, that being directly compensated for one's time is immoral and a barrier to social progress?

Google is strongly biased towards advertizing susidized business models. They'll give anything away for free, so long as it gets more eyeballs on their search engine. They don't care what markets they destroy in the process. It's a form of dumping, but it benefits them. So they talk about how great it is to give away free (as in beer) stuff.