Chris Grams

Authored Comments

What he is saying is definitely subtle and nuanced, and you need to have a pretty deep understanding of the subject in order to get where he is coming from. A person certainly won't understand him by a reading a review of the book (like this one)... you actually have to read the book in all its detailed analysis.

In the sound byte media era we live in, Jaron is at an extreme disadvantage-- his opinions can not be easily reduced or categorized, so when people (including myself) replay some of his ideas, they lose something in the translation.

As a philosopher, I found this book brilliant, and it really got me thinking. As a professional communicator, I thought Jaron could communicate more successfully by reaching across the aisle every now and then. He is easy to label as an extremist because of the way he communicates his message in an adversarial way.

It's almost as if he wants people to disagree with him rather than agree with him. Picking fights rather than starting conversations. I think this hurts his cause.

OK, I read Jaron's book, and have posted my thoughts in an article on the business channel today.