Chris Grams

Authored Content

Is your brand out of control?

I’m lucky enough to have the opportunity to spend much of my time these days doing something I love—helping clients position and manage their brands. My experience helping…

De-bucketizing the org chart

Over the years, I’ve picked up an unhealthy understanding of the language of business. Years of sitting in big corporate meetings will do that to you, unfortunately. Here at…

Authored Comments

it is sometimes very hard to avoid the self-centered organization viewpoint. Hopefully this could be a tool used to "step out" of that viewpoint, even temporarily... My hope is changing the mindset of how you perceive your role in communities will inspire changes in strategies and tactics as well. Thanks for the great thoughts!

thanks for the great ideas, chris! a few more from me:

i think open standards are actually the key here... seems like we need some sort of way to openly connect all sorts of different communities and people using a common protocol or platform. Of course, this is basically what the internet is, but optimizing the whole internet experience for social/community connections (as opposed to content connections) seems like it would require something new.

However, this is unlikely to succeed as long as companies like Facebook would rather keep community activity on their own platform (and have enough gravity around their platform that other options don't make sense to them). It would take every company attempting a Facebook-like move to work together on a standard interface between different types of communities.

Maybe a project like this is already underway, I'm not sure... perhaps someone else might know?