Chris Grams

Authored Content

Authored Comments

Thanks for the thoughtful comments, folks! I do still feel like the original article was a bit over the top on purpose in order to get a reaction, making a bold claim so people would think a bit more.

But one additional thing struck me this morning. The article says IKEA doesn't employ user studies or user insights because they tried it previously and it doesn't work.

But as I've been waiting two weeks for the last missing part to arrive so I can finish up my IKEA kitchen, I'm actually wishing IKEA would take some of MY user insights into account right about now... from my personal experience, a little user-led innovation might do them some good!

Thanks again for weighing in!

Hi Paul-- there are some really great insights in your comment above. In fact, I wonder if you might take some of these thoughts and turn them into an article about "dealing with bad actors in a community."

Or maybe the biz channel moderator should just post your re-post your comment as a new article so more people will see it:)