Drew Kwashnak

1754 points
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New England, CT

I have always been interested in computers, and would find myself hanging out with the Computer Science students instead of the Aviation Management or Business Management students I was a part of. At home and at work I have been largely self-teaching myself using computers starting with Excel and Access with VBA through ASP and SQL at work. Thankfully my current employer values education, and so I have been taking classes and not only learning the technology, but un-learning what I have been doing wrong over the years. At home, though, I have been teaching myself Linux, system administration, networking and the overall method of migrating our system from Windows to Linux. I am involved in the Danbury Area Computer Society (DACS.org) I have the opportunity to take what I've learned the hard way and hopefully help others.. I have been enjoying Open Source for a while now, and I am hoping to get a better understanding of the entire model and application.

Authored Comments

Can you do a more in-depth coverage of real-world use and comparison? Screen quality in day/night and in/out-doors, graphic responsiveness, build quality, etc.? Specs being comparable, the look-and-feel can make a difference.

I already want one, but can't afford it (or any computer right now).

Oh, forgot. If you want to include work then I would have to include CentOS on our web servers (9), most of which are running Drupal.