
Authored Comments

Interesting. I find that music players and ripping tools are all well and good with "pop" music, but come horribly unstuck with classical.

Normally I care about the composer first, the performer, conductor, soloist etc are important but as I only have one copy of most pieces, I don't need to sort/search on orchestra or conductor, what matters is Beethoven and Symphony No 5. It is nice to know all about the recording, but most of the information is essential for searching.

I don't have that many CD, but I've enough for the metadata to matter... As you say tagging is important!

I like mpv or VLC for video, both work very well but mpv gets less in the way, so I prefer it.

For audio I like Amarok which is in a bit of a mess at the moment, so I'm using the less good Clementine.. Once they have it ported to Qt5 I'll go back to it though.