
Authored Comments

Too true!

Death by CC is so common in the corporate landscape. I know it's good to keep people in the loop, but sometimes you simply drown in email!

The famous auto-reply on to an all-employees message is funny but annoying also...

Commodore BASIC V2 on a CBM-64, then 6510 Machine code also on the CBM-64. I also used BASIC Lightning on the CBM-64 and some BBC Basic.

Next up was Borland Turbo BASIC and then Turbo Pascal on DOS PCs. After Turbo Pascal I did Sun Pascal on SunOS Unix and then Borland Delphi on Windows.

I then had a go at Perl 5 on Linux and Windows, and some Unix Shell (mostly Bash) on Linux. I'm rather fond of Perl. I also looked at PHP but never really did anything with it.

I've done JavaScript on and off, but only to dabble, likewise a little Java.

And for most of the last 15 years I've been doing SAP's ABAP.