Eric Braswell

98 points
Eric Braswell

I'm a video editor and videographer, passionate foodie, and writer. My love of computers and the command line led me to open source software in the late 90's. Since then, I've managed to open my closed source world a little more during the day. At night, penguins rule the roost.

Authored Content

Open source means choice

My introduction to open source was pure, geeky coincidence. In the late 90s I was ensconced in the Microsoft ecosystem. With the introduction of Windows, personal computer…

Authored Comments

I'm a fan of crowdsourcing (dah). Perhaps an opensource IP wiki could be setup where legal practitioners and litigants could share their experiences, or more specifically a thread highlighting successful legal cases in a succinct manner that a judge might consider using as a research tool. Has this been done already?

Thanks for reading, Don. I really like Darktable. It suits my needs for handling the .pef files from my Pentax. From there it's into GIMP if needed. I suggest downloading the tarball from the Darktable site as distro versions tend to lag behind.

I see you work in education. That's another passion of mine. I've done videos for the local school system here and hope someday to figure how to cross opensource with education to help kids.