Erlend Sogge Heggen

315 points
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I'm an aspiring game developer, recently graduated from Vancouver Film School's 'Game Design' program. The bulk of my spare time is spent working as a manager with the jMonkeyEngine project, a cross-platform 3D game engine.

Authored Comments

With this change I also think it would look better to keep all the badges in once place, like so:

Its 'type' is already distinguished by the red color, so I think it makes sense to place it alongside the others, especially when the paragraph is placed directly beneath it as I've suggested as I noticed in my first picture that the avatar took up an unnecessary amount of height space as compared to the title+author+badges.

I like all 6 recommended changes. I especially like the idea of keeping the only two "actions" together; the logic is strong in this one!

Looking at this preview, only one thing bothers me a little: I'm not keen on the unnecessary amount of whitespace on the left, under the commenter's avatar. There's plenty of breathing space elsewhere on this site to not feel crammed in, so personally I'd like to keep the comments reasonably compact. Here's my quick edit of the preview: