Erlend Sogge Heggen

315 points
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I'm an aspiring game developer, recently graduated from Vancouver Film School's 'Game Design' program. The bulk of my spare time is spent working as a manager with the jMonkeyEngine project, a cross-platform 3D game engine.

Authored Comments

Hah nice, you know him. Yep, I got recruited by Taldor, then he left for about a year and a half (give or take 6 months, this is a long time ago now) and I picked up the responsibility as team leader (not lead programmer, that was Kirill), and when we in turn decided to call it quits then Taldor picked up the reins again and kept it going for a while until apparently he also gave up since the website is now just an adspace.

It's a thoroughly complicated open source story with many odd transitions, like any other.

I noticed two open source program at, namely '<a href="">Open Source Software Development</a>' which has been going on since spring 2005, and the newer non-programming oriented '<a href="">Open source, open collaboration and innovation</a>'.

I really hope open source in and on itself will catch on as something worth educating the youth about. There are plenty of facets to focus on, e.g. the movement, the ideology, the ecosystem, the front runners and so forth.

I think the most important point you made was about how "release early, release often" can be applied outside of programming. That hasn't really come to mind until now, but it immediately struck me as a great principle for use in any kind of educational practice.