My name is Fernando Pimenta and I’m a consultant and technical expert in Linux, Datacenter and Cloud. I do the consulting work in Brazil in heterogeneous environments, seeking the best solutions for customers.I have a success story in Red Hat, for having developed a Linux distribution to the retail market in Brazil:http://www.redhat.com/certification/rhce/success_stories/stories/fpiment..., I like to work with Linux, including RedHat, CentOS, Zentyal, ClearOS and Ubuntu.I love to listen music, play drums, drink wine and be in touch with my family and my friends.
Authored Comments
Very good article, Rikki!
I think that the LAYG (learn as you go) is the better preparation for LOD (learn on demand).
Living in continuously learning, prepares you to learn on the pressure, or on demand, that is required by the major situations in the job market.
I agree with you: Keep your brain in action. This is always very good for you.
Dear FireServer users,
Please, see the new message about the project here, please: http://fireserver.com.br/forum/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=616
Fernando Pimenta