Joshua Allen Holm

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Uptime - Currently, 120 minutes (the time since I turned it on this morning). My main computer is a laptop and I usually shut it down completely after I am done using it.

Hostnames - For bare metal installations I used the family names of authors who have won the Nobel Prize for Literature. My laptop is Mahfouz, for example. For development virtual machines, the hostnames are whatever is installed on them. In the case of my generic LAMP development environment, it is called "centos-server". Other virtual machines are more specific and are named after whatever is on the server (i.e., moodle, omeka, koha, etc.)

Kernel - I used to compile custom kernels years ago, way back when I running Red Hat Linux, but now I just use the default kernels included in Fedora, CentOS, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Well it is certainly better than Figure 4, where I managed to misspell "sentence" twice in my quick & dirty outline example.