James Farrell

669 points
James Farrell

I am a long time UNIX system administrator and open source advocate. In recent years my primary focus as been on Linux & FreeBSD systems administration, networking, telecom, and SAN/storage management. I love building infrastructure, tying systems together, creating processes, and bringing people together in support of their technical efforts.

When I can, I try to contribute back to the open source projects either with patches, or by helping others in technical support forums.

Authored Comments

Hey Peter, nice article, thank you for taking the time to share! I love re-purposing older hardware. The details helped ... I am going to check out that Anker power supply you pointed out.

I don't know much about the specifics of Arch, but have some things you could look at for delaying your NFS mounts. Systemd based systems can add the tag _netdev into /etc/fstab to delay mounts until network services are up. Also, most of the non-systemd distros have something like an rc.local script you can modify, that usually runs at the end of the boot sequence. Worst case, it should not be all that difficult find the local system's boot sequence and plug your NFS mounts in there ... doing these things by hand is a real drag ;)

I hope one of those helps,

I might have missed it ... can you indicate what rev of Pi you used for the initial setup? And what node roles need more power .. do I assume the worker nodes are the ones that could use more ram/cpu power?
