Jason Hare

468 points
Jason Hare
Raleigh-Durham, NC

Two decades experience analyzing user behavior interacting with web applications. Experience includes developing user interfaces using rapid prototyping and an iterative project management style to create award winning, user-centered information portals. Primary interests include Big Data and Open Data applications and community engagement in a public sector environment. Other interests include analytic-driven portal interface design, e-government acculturation, citizen engagement, open source platforms and government transparency.Reach Jason Hare on Twitter, Google+ and About.me.

Authored Comments

Hi Cesar- I would be honored- thank you. Can I add your blog to my blog list I keep? It is here:

Hi Jason- thank you- Christopher Gergen and Nick Sinai made the trip possible along with support from the City of Raleigh. Chris, Nick and I will be working on organizing a regional "Datapalooza" and with Nick's help get the Whitehouse down here to kick off regional open government for the Triangle. Exciting times. As soon as I can firm up some meeting times we need to get you involved.