Jason Hare

468 points
Jason Hare
Raleigh-Durham, NC

Two decades experience analyzing user behavior interacting with web applications. Experience includes developing user interfaces using rapid prototyping and an iterative project management style to create award winning, user-centered information portals. Primary interests include Big Data and Open Data applications and community engagement in a public sector environment. Other interests include analytic-driven portal interface design, e-government acculturation, citizen engagement, open source platforms and government transparency.Reach Jason Hare on Twitter, Google+ and About.me.

Authored Comments

Supporting Open Data efforts in other countries I believe is vital to bring about global standards and help bring about pressure on transparency resistant public sector organizations. Having worked with Denis directly and participating in Open Ireland has been instructive in my own efforts here in the US.

Fear of failure deprives one of the most valuable learning moments. I was pleased to see this posting and the emphasis on the cultural versus technological aspect of what Code for America is all about. In my new role as the Open Data Program Manager for the City of Raleigh I see acculturation issues and business process issues as well as technology issues to manage. This is my first comment I have enjoyed reading opensource.com for quite some time.