
Authored Comments

The Parallax Arduino Board of Education shield: http://www.parallax.com/StoreSearchResults/tabid/768/txtSearch/arduino/List/0/SortField/4/ProductID/819/Default.aspx

And the new robot kits from Makershed with book are nice presents too: http://www.makershed.com/MAKE_Arduino_Powered_Robot_Kit_2WD_p/msrob2w.htm

It is a teachable moment. The fact they knew open source was an important subject in technology. The mention of Unix in Jurassic Park was just as significant. We make fun of it, but it brought the term to the masses.

But more seriously, the stereotypical geek representation is more disturbing. Why couldn't one of the 'cool' kids be the technology expert? The leaders and innovators of our society are skewing more to the geek side these days, and its time for the creative class to start reflecting that in media.