
Authored Comments

Money isn't the root of political corruption, it is a symptom of a system with too little interaction.

There is extreme danger with banning or regulating any political speech. The solution isn't to limit, but to level access. While some people are influenced by repeated TV ads, I believe the majority of people are not. There is a tendency to believe that people that disagree with your opinion are weak minded and easily influenced by shiny objects. That just isn't true.

To reduce the influence of unions, corporations and wealthy individuals you must defuse power to the smallest political units. The Federal government must be limited to basic Constitutional activities and its power defused to states and local governments. The cap needs to be taken off the House of Representatives, and allow its membership to grow with the population. That would require them to spend more time in retail politics, and add more diverse voices to the government.

Limit the effect of mass media and money in politics, but moving governance closer to the people where active participation has tangible results.