
Authored Comments

"4" is absolutely the case, and the major problem with Gnome, especially Gnome3. The Gnome devs have some distorted view of how a Linux system gets used, and theirs bears no relation to making a system actually usable. At this rate, this is what Gnome4 is going to look like:

My major concern is that Thunderbird may die out, despite it being highly popular, because they simply don't have the staff/resources needed to keep the client viable for the future (bug/vulnerability fixes, API changes at the server end, loss of API support in the tools to build the application, etc). And as the client falls behind, add-ons will probably die and become obsoleted by the same sort of API changes as well.

So I've been looking around for possible replacement options. I want something that can support multiple email accounts (at this point they're all IMAP), keep my archived mail (old POP3 versions of a couple of those other IMAP accounts), plus calendar (sync to Gmail, and maybe Cozi as well), decent address book capability (I'm syncing to my Google Contacts these days). And I want local offline sync of those IMAP accounts.

Would also like to use it for mail *AND* calendaring for my Gmail-hosted work email. I had tried it with the current released versions of TBird and Lightning (along with the Google Provider add-on), but it has a severe bug (already known and not anywhere close to being fixed) that it tries to notify you of all past as well as current calendar entries, and the notifications can't be cleared.