Jim Hall

Authored Comments

Good point. My script doesn't handle leading apostrophes, when the apostrophe was written with a single straight quote. Instead my script will turn them into left single quotes (like most word processors).

I don't have many (any?) leading apostrophes on the websites I code by hand, so this isn't an issue for me. But worth noting for others using the script.

For example:
(from https://www.grammarbook.com/punctuation/apostro.asp)

When an apostrophe comes before a word or number, take care that it's truly an apostrophe (’) rather than a single quotation mark (‘).

Incorrect: ‘Twas the night before Christmas.
Correct: ’Twas the night before Christmas.

Incorrect: I voted in ‘08.
Correct: I voted in ’08.

Not so much a shell trick, but I wanted to simulate typing at a command line while I narrated a video. I found a few "simulate typing" utilities, but decided to roll my own. Basically, it's very much like 'echo' except:


And chdelay() was a function I wrote that created a delay based on the type of character -- so you could have a longer delay for spaces, and an even longer delay before the end of the line.

With this, I wrote a simple shell script that echoed the command line using my 'simtype' program, then executed the same command line. That meant I didn't need to type my command line while talking about it.