Justin Dorfman

217 points
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Los Angeles

Justin is heavily involved with the FOSS community contributing to Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Grunt, jQuery, Twemoji, Nginx, GNU Bash, and many more. He also serves on the Selection Committee for Mozilla's Open Source Support (MOSS) program, as well as the Open Source Collective's board of directors. In 2017, he co-founded/organized Sustain Summit, an annual one-day event for Open Source Software Sustainers.

Authored Comments

I like your thinking.

> I'm unable to I still find ways to get some kind of funding to them, be it from purchasing a t-shirt from their online store....or stickers....and most recently a USB hard drive with the distro on it.

That is a common issue but there are projects that are successfully raising money by utilizing platforms that make it really easy. Some examples:

* webpack on Open Collective - https://opencollective.com/webpack
* D3.js on Sticker Mule Market - https://www.stickermule.com/user/1070696243/stickers
* Vue.sj on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/evanyou
* DevDocs on Gratipay - https://gratipay.com/devdocs/
* KDE Project on Unixstickers - http://www.unixstickers.com/donations/2017/3

The list goes on. We hope to come up with new ways at $ustain. After the event, I will most likely do a follow up here.

Thanks Mike. You can get them here: http://www.unixstickers.com/stickers/coding_stickers/official-bash-stic…

Part of the proceeds go to the Free Software Foundation =)