Mark Krake

1128 points
Mark Krake
Bonn, Germany

Mark Krake is a Requirements Engineer and Software Developer, Co-Founder of metasfresh Open Source ERP, Community Member of ADempiere ERP and Founder Member of the ADempiere Foundation

Authored Comments

"Contributions don't have to be tech related" is definitely a topic that most people don't think about when they are not already engaged in Open Source. Inviting contributors from non-coding disciplines and enabling recognition of their contributions can free huge potentials in Open Source Projects.
This is also one of the main topics in our Open Source ERP Project called metasfresh, which was founded as friendly fork from ADempiere in October 2015. At that time we were searching for ideas how other Open Source communities organize themselves
and thrive. We inevitably also came past the Drupal project and borrowed some ideas. ;-)
Thanks a lot for sharing valuable insights.

Hello Ruth,
your article magically brought a smile into my face. :)
In the 90s of the last century until 2006 I worked for a large Insurance Company as COBOL programmer on IBM Mainframe with OS390 - a lot of work in "Year 2000" and "EURO currency" projects. It was a great time I don't want to miss.
The time I left the company, there were more than 25.000 COBOL Programs under maintenance. 2 months ago I had a lunch with my "old" colleagues from that time. The amount of COBOL programs there has not decreased significantly.

COBOL is dead, long live COBOL! ;)

Thanks a lot for this very nice article.