Mark Krake

1128 points
Mark Krake
Bonn, Germany

Mark Krake is a Requirements Engineer and Software Developer, Co-Founder of metasfresh Open Source ERP, Community Member of ADempiere ERP and Founder Member of the ADempiere Foundation

Authored Comments

A long time ago - in the 1990s - :) I was working as a COBOL Programmer for an Insurance-Software Development Company. This company had very flat hierarchies and a great company culture encouraging people to push to their "responsibility limits" and even beyond. Failures were accepted as essential part of the improvement and innovation cycle. AT that time it was the greatest company in the world for me. After working there for about 6 months I was taking with a colleague about how to make career in such an environment (flat hierarchies, no real job titles)? Her answer: "You will recognize that you are climbing the career ladder as soon as people come and ask you for your expertise."
Sam, thanks alot for these great insights and a very nice example for "open organization principles in action".

Thanks alot Gloria for sharing your Open Source Story. "It was an oasis in the tech Mecca of the world. I knew I had arrived." Really a great read!