And yet <em>you</em> have spare time to anonymously comment on the post.
Irony aside, the original report — based on a real, actual conversation with a Lego representative — was that Lego was completely moving all girls to the "special" one, and that the regular Lego club would <em>not</em> "read: boys AND girls".
Were that true, it seems totally worth getting upset about.
Authored Comments
And yet <em>you</em> have spare time to anonymously comment on the post.
Irony aside, the original report — based on a real, actual conversation with a Lego representative — was that Lego was completely moving all girls to the "special" one, and that the regular Lego club would <em>not</em> "read: boys AND girls".
Were that true, it seems totally worth getting upset about.
The <em>unwritten</em> version of the AP stylebook, strongly preserved by oral tradition, says "You want all caps? The ad desk is right over there!"