Michael Doyle

309 points
Michael Doyle
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For more than 15 years I've worked shoulder-to-shoulder with software engineers from around the globe.

I've experienced how developing yourself as a next generation leader in software engineering can be filled with ambiguity.

So, in collaboration with Alexis Monville, I've combined my writing and coaching skills to package a leadership development experience into a book.

Learn more at: https://emergingleadership.network/books/i-am-in-charge/

Authored Comments

Great article Lauri, I agree that communicating the hidden expectations we have reduces issues down the line. I also like the idea of using those written expectations as a self awareness tool, and not as a justification to continue in our current way of being.

In my mind, writing, "I'm not very good at X" should automatically trigger questions like "What is one step I can take to be better at X?" and "Here's how you could help me get better at X." This feels like something that may not automatically happen if you don't take the time to write down your hidden expectations and reflect on them.

Looking forward to part 2.

Thank you for sharing Angela. This resonated with me as I'm focusing this year on prioritization and seeking first to understand. I've noticed that when I do these things the results are far better. I've also noticed, like anything new, there are times when the old habits re-surface, reminding me to do better next time. Your article is an inspiration to help keep me on that development path.