
222 points
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Linux user since 2009, stayed with Fedora ever since (and I like it!).
Interested in Open Source Way of doing things, sharing ideas and solutions. Focus on human aspects rather than bits & bytes. Favour nifty tools like markdown, newsbeuter and grep.
Learned the command line through breaking my system and annoying my house mates -- but also used CLI to get it running again ;-)

Authored Comments

For my presentations I like and need a fuzz free and always working method. Web based presentations are a no brainer, somehow connections always fail in the right moment. PowerPoint is the company standard, but files are huge and therefore slow. Over the years I use two alternatives:

1. plain PDF in presentation- or full screen mode. Just hit an arrow or space bar to get to the next slide;

2. taking my Linux laptop and using Impressive []. Again a PDF is the base, but Impressive has some nice features on highlighting, navigation and a timer. Impressive has a small footprint, so it's fast. If you are allowed run python scripts on your computer, Impressive is yours!

Very important is to have nice and clean PDF slides. Printing to PDF on Windows (yep, company standard...) doesn't use the entire page and makes these ugly white borders. Therefore I process the final version of my PDF slides with LibreOffice.

I keep away from incorporating video in my presentations, again it makes the file huge. Just use a separate viewer like gxine or whatever is installed. Vids from the net you can use locally after downloading them with cclive.

But in the end your spoken word is more important than the slides. They are just a not all too distractive wallpaper ;-)

nice feature of KeePassX is that a .kdbx password database can be copied to another computer or smartphone where you can open it. beware to have only one 'mother' database, otherwise you might get confused with different records in each database.

also works on ownKeepass on the Jolla smartphone.