
222 points
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Linux user since 2009, stayed with Fedora ever since (and I like it!).
Interested in Open Source Way of doing things, sharing ideas and solutions. Focus on human aspects rather than bits & bytes. Favour nifty tools like markdown, newsbeuter and grep.
Learned the command line through breaking my system and annoying my house mates -- but also used CLI to get it running again ;-)

Authored Comments

I can't find how much open source it is, but LiveCode [] is something to keep an eye on. It builds on the way HyperCard works -- the programming environment that came with Macs in the 90's. With just basic English syntax and an interpreter that can handle regular human sentences it makes programming easy.

The old HyperCard even provided the possibility to put code though a language filter so that you can use your own tongue for programming. When LiveCode supports such feature all over the planet people who can write are able to program. And that would be a fun thing!

preferrably I use a mix of AbiWord, Gnumeric, Claws Mail and !mpressive and Leafpad. at the office we only use Redmondware, but I try to persuade my colleagues to try the nifty features of Impressive only with a pdf...