Melanie Chernoff

1130 points
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Raleigh, NC

Melanie Chernoff | As Public Policy Manager for Red Hat, Inc., Melanie monitors, evaluates, and works to influence U.S. and international legislation and government regulations affecting open source technologies and open standards. She also serves as chair of the company's Corporate Citizenship committee, coordinating Red Hat's charitable activities.

Authored Content

911: Can you hear me now?

For decades, first responders have dealt with a lack of interoperable communications products. The 9/11 Commission Report 1 and the Katrina Report 2 both concluded that the…

Liberate your documents.

An acquaintance emailed me a .docx file last week that my older word processor wouldn't open on the first try. Before you start sending me fixes, don't worry. I got it open…

Authored Comments

Advocating a change from monarchy to republicanism was a bold move that I think can be argued to be rooted in one of the first modern "open government" movements. However, despite the laudable language in the preamble of the Constitution, we know that "we the people" were not all invited to be at the table of the new government. It's hard to fairly evaluate the Congress' actions in the context of today's views & expectations about transparency and collaboration in government.

I have seen Todd Park speak, and he is phenomenal. Very excited about this webinar. Thanks!