Miguel Brito

98 points
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I'm an AI Software Engineer based in London/UK using AI to improve cancer detection. I have 6+ years of professional experience, 4 of them working with Machine Learning / AI. Over these years, I've been developing and releasing software in different programming languages. I write about Python, but anything related to my area of expertise is a great candidate for a tutorial. I'm interested in Software Testing, Best Practices, Scalability, Machine Learning/AI, and Python.
My personal website is: https://miguendes.me/

Authored Comments

Thanks for this article, Marty! Really nice.

Really nice article, Moshe! argparse was the first tool I used to create CLIs in Python. I've now moved to click (https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/8.0.x/) because it abstracts a lot of boilerplate, but when I cannot install it I fallback to argparse again.