Moin Shaikh

346 points

I am an open source tech geek working as a Systems Analyst and Web Developer, having combined IT experience of over 12 years in web dev., design and analysis.
I co-founded a local Mozilla developer community - MozGuj (Mozilla Gujarat) in 2015 and actively managed it for 3 years as a community manager and developer evangelist for Mozilla and its opensource projects. I mentor young students at hackathons and help them understand and implement design thinking into their hackathon projects.

Apart from open source contributions, I spend time in reading, writing, and talking about all things Opensource, web development, UX design, eCommerce, accessibility, and emerging technologies.

Authored Comments

Hi Manju,

Thanks for taking time in reading through the article. Let me know if you need any assistance in getting started with coding. Happy to help :)

Thank you for the detailed insight and overview, I am just starting to dwell and learn about Linux booting process. At start, it looked scary but the language and writing tone helped me get some ease :)