Sachin Patil (He/Him/His)

730 points

Sachin is passionate about Free and Open source software. He is avid GNU Emacs user and likes to talk and write about open source, GNU/Linux, Git, and Python. He has previously worked on OpenStack, ManageIQ/CloudForms & Red Hat Insights. He also likes to explore Swift Object Storage in his spare time. He can be reached on IRC as psachin@{Libera.Chat, Freenode, OFTC, gnome}. Read more about him at

Authored Comments

Sure this can be done. Restarting is less confusing for people new to Emacs

You need to add following lines in your ~/.emacs

(setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "")
("marmalade" . "")
("melpa" . "")))

1. Now restart Emacs
2. M-x(Press Alt+x), and type 'list-packages'
This should list all the packages
3. Search package using Ctrl+s
4. Click the package from the list you wish to install, this should open another buffer showing package details.
5. Click 'Install' button and say 'Yes' to install the package.

You can also refer this YouTube video by jekor: