Sachin Patil (He/Him/His)

730 points

Sachin is passionate about Free and Open source software. He is avid GNU Emacs user and likes to talk and write about open source, GNU/Linux, Git, and Python. He has previously worked on OpenStack, ManageIQ/CloudForms & Red Hat Insights. He also likes to explore Swift Object Storage in his spare time. He can be reached on IRC as psachin@{Libera.Chat, Freenode, OFTC, gnome}. Read more about him at

Authored Comments

As I said, the latex tag "\today" is not read as expected when converting to HTML. Simply specifying a date would have solved the problem.

"\paragraph" was added due to the fact that the content was copied from Aaron's post(Simply wanted to demonstrate that "it works")

"... a one file for all" is the ultimate case and user gets that with time. This was an introduction, I wanted to keep it simple.

I think you are looking for It covers steps to get you started.