Remy DeCausemaker

1040 points
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Rochester, NY

At the Fedora Project Remy served as Community Action and Impact Lead, bringing more heat and light to the distro's user and contributor base. As resident Hackademic, Remy led the Fedora Council's University Involvement Initiative, expanding and replicating the models used in RIT's courses on Humanitarian FOSS Development and Business/Legal Environment of FOSS that built the first academic minor in FOSS and Free Culture at a university in the United States. With help from Sugarlabs, TeachingOpensource, The Software Freedom Law Center, Aleph Objects, and many others, Remy brings The Open Source Way to campuses, conferences, and campaigns everywhere he can. You can keep up with his story via Twitter and his decauseblog.

Authored Content

Live from CapitolCamp2011

The third-annual Capitol Camp is an unconference held in Albany, New York (the State Capitol). The past two years of camp have also included a 'developer summit,' described on…

Authored Comments

<p>0)</p><p>Granted, getting funding and support is a chicken-and-egg type situation. Bootstrapping via <a href="">The Opensource Way</a> to build a strong program in line with the principles and core values mentioned here, will indeed make this type of windfall more likely, but does not necessarily precede or even supersede community.</p><p>You folks at RPI are blessed, and it's great to see the impact your program is having. Sean's investment was a major piece of your particular puzzle, and definitely worth mentioning.</p>

Congrats Mizmo! Well earned. Please, just keep doing what you do.