Robin Muilwijk

Authored Comments

October this year will be 10 years of contributing in open source, in many ways. Sharing, that is why I contribute, and take part in open source projects.

I can fully agree with the above. I am looking at almost 10 years of contributing to open source projects such as Joomla and eZ Publish. I have learned so much, and continue to do so. Valuable experience that I also add to my resume and linkedin profile.

Not only can you learn how to code, make use of several systems/tools, write documentation, organize/coordinate events, or help with translations. One can also end up in leadership positions and gain experience running 'projects' with a team of volunteers or even steering the project itself.

For me it even goes as far as further developing personal skills such as communication, 'dealing' with people in a multicultural team and more.

And not to forget, it is fun!