Robin Muilwijk

Authored Comments

I thought about the questions all day, but I nor my family, have a common April Fools day joke. Neither does the country I live.

With regards to community and participation, and how this could contribute to a more open world:

Using humor in your community, and in this case April Fools day, can help strengthen your community. Ease up on seriousness, share some fun, share a common ground. This is ground for strengthening the bond between community members which in it's turn reflects not only in the community itself but also outwards. Into the world, making it a more open world.

So personally, I'd say grab the opportunity of April Fools day within your open source community/project. Share a joke, and strengthen your community and the open source way.

Great article, a clear explanation on what Open Government is, and good examples. Open Data seems to be (part of) the fuel for any Open Gov initiative.