Radek is a software engineer, writer and the founder of Writing Analytics, an editor and writing tracker designed to help writers create a sustainable writing routine. He enjoys programming, reading books and writing. Find his work at Github or radek.io.
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Hi Eudris,
Thank you for your kind words!
If you're trying to get more users, my strategy would probably be showcasing what the project can do with articles and tutorials at different places. I'd focus on what problems does it solve for people and how is it helpful. The idea is convince people that it's worth investing their time into learning to use it. It might be worth spending some time packaging your program for the major Linux distributions to make it easier for people to get it.
In case you're after contributors, a good place to start looking are the existing users. It depends largely on what sort of project it is, but there will be some users that are both capable and interested in becoming contributors if they enjoy using the project. Nothing beats good docs and get involved guides. I'd focus on making it easy to set up the development environment for your project - there are tools that could help you with that (DevAssistant, repo). Some people go as far as providing a preconfigured VM image. Make it as easy as possible for people to get started. And if you keep at it, someone eventually will.