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Entrepreneur, marketer and open source solutions provider.
Sachin is the founder, director of Ashnik, based in Singapore. Ashnik provides open source IT solutions around infrastructure, cloud and social media for enterprises.
Sachin brings rich experience in building businesses. Has worked in IT industry for over 25 years and has provided solutions to Banking, Telecom and Government sectors. Has played a major role in establishing Red Hat and open source business in India. Has been invited to speak on open source and its growth in many public fora such as Linux Asia, Dataquest, NASSCOM, CNBC etc. Has worked closely with Central and local Governments to help them adopt opensource.
Sachin has deep interest in understanding human minds. He is always looking for ways to harness human potential and becoming better person.

Authored Comments

From the brand and positioning perspective, I think what Apple is trying to do it very powerful. I also think that the position taken by Apple - Integrated Vs. Fragmented is a very real state of affairs. Just being open has not helped to create a very strong user experience as far as the consumer market is concerned.

I guess, with the continued success of iPhone, very soon the Android community (vendors) would be forced to provide "unified" or "integrated" user experience.

Even in the enterprises, many CIOs and senior persons have voiced the need for "integrated" approach of the open source community in the past. With as powerful person as Steve Jobs articulating this issue, I am sure even Enterprises would start echoing similar demands from open source community.

I really liked the statement "..over time, Jaspersoft’s distinction will be less about it being an open source software company and more about its abilities as a great business intelligence software company." ..
It is so true that applications would have to stand on the strengths of their functionality. Being open source only adds the value of curiosity to sales cycle.

The next key point for the application vendors, to bring real value of open source, is, how strongly it is able to build vibrant community inside and outside its own organisation.

There are many application vendors who try to create differentiator by making the application open source. That is not good enough.

Would like to see more discussion around this topic from the application vendors.