Sam Knuth (he/him)

Authored Comments

Hi Allison,

I agree with everything you are saying. I don't mean to imply that managers shouldn't be setting the context providing the tools and training - those are all key elements of the leader's job, for sure. I do think it would be great to have another view point on this!

Thank you, Sandra, for your insightful comments! Indeed, there is a lot to think about here. I do see relationships between engagement, level of boredom, and a feeling of underutilization. My hope as a manager is to give people the context they need to be more engaged - and hopefully to align their passions and talents with our needs.

I totally agree that it's a team effort. Mutual awareness is the key to starting that effort. That's why I encourage people to say something if they feel underutilized or unengaged. Yes, the manager could also observe this, which is another way it could be brought up.