Seth Kenlon

Authored Comments

Call me a traditionalist, but I really believe the only "right" way to do web design is by typing.

( Emacs, but I digress.)

There's a place for getting a quick webpage online, but in those cases I think it's best to keep it as simple as possible. I say this because I've seen way too many over-designed sites that abuse little hacks in GUI design applications, and it ends up not rendering correctly on browsers, or for screen readers.

tl;dr: I don't think GUI designers are bad, just mis-directed.

Great article. I'd be interested in hearing more about how you assembled the original planning team for your first workshop in 2014. Was it just you, initially, or were there a few of you who decided to form a local Django Girls group? how did you get more people involved in the planning? and where did you find people to attend the workshop?