Seth Kenlon

Authored Comments

Hang on now, I didn't say I knew what I was doing ;^)

Very exciting! Deep down, I was hoping that the Final Cut debacle would be an inroad for Kdenlive. I think it's a really smart time to be looking at Kdenlive, though; lately their releases have just been so good. But don't try to keep up with them too much. Find a good stable release and stick with it. Think Red Hat or Slackware stability, rather than Fedora cutting edginess, if that makes sense.

As for overlays and graphics...yes, I mention how to do it. Now I don't really mention how to generate them. I'm not a make-your-motion-graphics-in-your-video-editor kinda guy. I do that stuff in Blender. See for my tutorials on that subject and possibly watch this space for an article or two about it.