Seth Kenlon

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I hear what you're saying. I prefer extreme modularity, too, but standardization is useful, and init systems have not historically had that. It seems to me that systemd provides a predictable foundation upon which many other applications can build, and at a pretty low level. I've worked as a sys admin, and I've developed software for Linux; I appreciate the tools systemd provides for the former, and I prefer the uniformity that it provides for the latter.

I'm not a distro maintainer, but that most major distros have migrated to systemd speaks volumes, in my view. You can't get distros to agree on anything, and yet the Big Ones have all adopted systemd. That said, I don't run systemd on all of my systems, so there's still plenty of choice out there. I don't think that's going to change.

Which init system do you use? You should consider writing an article about it, and why you love it. I'm always fascinated to hear about the tools people use, and what it enables them to do. Share the knowledge!