Seth Kenlon

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A theory I've been testing lately is that other people's resistance to open source is largely in the promoter's (me, in my test cases) mind. People use lots of different platforms for meetings and Internet collaboration, and rarely do you get a counter-offer. It's not common to invite someone to a Zoom meeting only to get a message back from them saying they'd rather use Google Hangouts, for instance. People simply agree to meet you where you've proposed.

So far, I've had the same success when I casually proposed my Jitsi server as a meeting place. If I'm the one initiating a meeting, people just go along with whatever solution has been pitched. With Jitsi, a browser is all the user needs. Very very cross platform. So, my strategy is to use open source at least when initiating meetings.

So far, this has been working well for me, but as always your mileage may vary.

Great idea, thanks. I'll take a look at UBPorts again and maybe drum up an article about it.