Seth Kenlon

Authored Content

Mixing sound with Qtractor and XJadeo

In last month's article, we learned the finer points of exporting video for a sound mix. If you're at the point of a sound mix in your production, you should have these assets…

Audio and video with XJadeo

In my All About Audio article, I covered the basics of organizing audio in Kdenlive with the intent to round-trip the soundtrack out to a proper audio editor and mixer to…

Authored Comments

It was on my list of possible inclusions, but I eventually decided against it because its workflow felt so different from VSCode. As I say in a previous comment, though, I think there's an argument that VSCode doesn't see itself as an IDE (even though there are extensions that help it act like one), and so Netbeans is sort of a separate class entirely.

I'm a fan of Netbeans as well. I've been using it lately for Java development and have no complaints.