Steve Stites

Authored Comments

"A necessary feature of an algorithm is that it terminates."

I think that I have counter examples to that statement. What about an algorithm that calculates the value of PI or an algorithm that calculates the value of a non-convergent Fourier series? Are these not to be classified as algorithms because they lead into an infinite series?

Steve Stites

I think that we should make a distinction between software patents and other types of patents. Software is covered by both copyright and patent law. If we abolish software patents then the existing, well established copyright protection for software works very well. The intellectual property environment for software will be vastly improved if we abolish software patents and only use copyright.

Other fields that have patents do not also have copyright. If we abolish patents all across the board then many areas of intellectual property would have no intellectual property rights at all. The only field other than software that I think would benefit from abolishing patents is patents on genes. For every other field I agree that patent reform without entirely abolishing patents would be the best approach.

Steve Stites